Saturday, August 9, 2008

Using "Going to" (page 15)

Using “going to” answer the questions with the words in
Translate only the answers.

1. What’s Mark going to do tomorrow? (fix / washing machine)

He’s going to fix the washing machine.

2. What’s Mary going to do next week? ( go to the beach )



3. What are Raleigh and Martin going to do on Saturday? (race track)


4. What are your God parents going to do on Sunday? (to mass)



5. What’s Murray going to do on tomorrow? (watch / baseball game)



6. What are you going to do on next weekend? (we / play / cards)



7. What’s Mark going to do for your birthday? (take / dinner)



8. What is Mathew going to do at the library? (take out a book)



9. Where are you going to go on Wednesday? (Price club)



10. When are you going to finish that painting?



11. Where are you going to park your car?



12. Why are you going to school on Saturday?



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